Planning a Wedding can be stressful! Here’s 6 Tips to Help you Plan your Big Event:

Planning a Wedding can be stressful! Here’s 6 Tips to Help you Plan your Big Event:

The days are growing longer and the weather warmer with it. Wedding season is soon upon us. Planning the perfect wedding can send you into a frenzy and make you a bit anxious. However, there is no need to panic. There are a lot of options and methods to help you achieve your dream wedding. 

A Wedding ceremony goes beyond fanfare and glamour. It is you and your fiancé’s commitment to each other before the eyes of God and it plays a very special role in the legitimacy and intention of your union. The importance of the marriage ceremony was solidified by the Church to sanctify and give legitimacy to the intention of marriage as previously there was no way to prove that a couple married. This tradition and belief have continued to this day and it is intrinsic to the structure of the marriage union. The planning can seem overwhelming to get everything right and you do not want to miss out on anything important.

What you should remember is that while there are specific things that should be done for a Wedding, there are things that aren’t set in stone and can be left up to the discretion of the couple. 

No matter how you and your finance met it will surely bring a smile to your face when you tell others YOUR story. You’ve found the one. Maybe you met through friends, or at work, or maybe through just a random party or event. At some point, you knew that Special Person  in your life was the one you want to spend your life with. Before too long, you will be husband and wife, and we’re going to help you get through the wedding planning process. 

A pink board with some papers and pictures
A pink board with some papers and pictures
A pink board with some papers and pictures
A pink board with some papers and pictures

HERE ARE 6 IMPORTANT TIPS to help you plan the perfect Wedding:


You probably won’t be able to do everything that you’ve ever dreamed of for your wedding. Of course, unless you have money to burn or don’t want to spend your married life in debt, you’ll have to make some choices. It’s a good idea for you and your fiancé to sit down together and make a list of the most important things for your wedding day. Depending on what denomination you follow this may mean some specific things. Talk these things out together and figure out what can and can’t be done. This will save you from having unrealistic expectations. 


Don’t feel pressured to have your wedding ceremony in a church if that is not what you want. Many Couples are finding farm or ranch style weddings to be a great venue, while bringing in the pastor, minister, priest or  rabbi to preside over the ceremony.  This can be a big cost savings, as well. The important part of the whole wedding ceremony is the vows that you make to each other in front of God, your officiant, and your family & friends as witnesses. As God is everywhere, you can also have your wedding anywhere that makes you both happy or holds special meaning for you.

Once you’ve decided on your location, you’ll want to alert your guests as to the date of your wedding. SAVE THE DATE  cards will help you plan your wedding and give plenty of notice to out of town guests. Typically, 6 months lead time, is all you need, however if your wedding is out of town or even out of the country, you’ll want to give plenty of notice, and typically up to 1 year is appropriate. The more notice your guests have to plan a trip, the easier it will be. 

Next, when ordering  WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS  you will want to give some time & consideration to the look & layout of your announcements, perhaps including RSVP cards to make it easier for you guests to respond. Wedding Announcements are typically mailed out 4 months in advance, especially if you have already alerted your guests with SAVE THE DATE cards. 


You’ll want to think about how you want the ceremony to go. Who will be your officiant? Do you have a special preacher, minister, priest or rabbi  in mind? What prayers, scriptures, and songs do you want to use? You will want to include aspects of your faith that touch you both spiritually and are a great representation of both your faith and of your commitment to eachother.  This is the part of the whole day that will mean the most to you so spend some extra time in this area. 


This is a great opportunity for you both to share your faith with the people most important to you. It is a way for them to understand more deeply an intrinsic part of who you and the values that you are building your married life upon. As you plan the ceremony think about the words, prayers & songs you’d like to share with your guests. This is a great starting point to plan your service around, and your guests will get a glimpse into why and how you believe what you do. You never know who may be inspired by your ceremony of faith in the Living God.


There are dozens of courses for marriage prep and counseling. Your church will most likely offer this service as well. For some churches and even countries, it is a necessary part in order to be married by an officiant. It is definitely something you should look into as a couple. Get advice that can help you make the necessary adjustments to marriage life. Also, it is a way to learn to walk by faith while supporting your commitment to each other and God. It is also a way for you both to bond and get closer and also to work through some issues or concerns that may be present that you need an unbiased party to help work through. 


Lastly, it can be easy to get caught up in the planning and everything surrounding the wedding. However, you should always focus on your upcoming marriage. The wedding day is just that…a day. Your life afterward is so much more important. As you plan your wedding  WEDDING DAY ESSENTIALS  remove the stress from yourself by remembering that your marriage is most important and even if things don’t go according to plan, at the end of the day you’ll make your vows and tie your life string to your fiancé for life. This is the real reason for your wedding ceremony, which is a lifetime of commitment to each other. 

A Final note: As you plan your wedding, remember to hold fast to your faith, pray continually and take moments to reflect on God’s Word and the love that you have for each other. By implementing these tips & staying focused on your commitment to God & to each other, as you work through the details, your wedding day is sure to be lovely.

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