30% OFF ALL INVITATIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS! Use Code: CELEBRATE24 This includes, ALL THINGS WEDDING, BIRTHDAY, SUMMER PARTIES & MORE! What a great time to CHEER ON Those NEWLY ENGAGED with our Adorable SAVE THE DATE cards. Celebrate these Grand Occasions with our stunning Wedding Invitations, Bridal Showers, Engagement Parties & More!! Welcome in Summer with our fantastic party invitations for Bar-B-Que’s, Pool Parties & More. Hundreds of invitations to choose from!
“We believe in helping those in need and because of this we are donating 10% of ALL Profits to help support Global Missions and Non Profits. Continue to Read Our Blog for updated information. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.†Matt. 25:4”
10% of the Profits of EVERY ORDER goes to support various Non-Profits & Missions work. Check out our MINISTRY OF THE MONTH for more details.
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